Saturday night my friends and I went out to Trastevere a popular district in Roma that has a really fun night life. The center of Trastevere is an arch and then from there are three streets that branch out from it that are filled with bars and restaurants. I again had an amazing piece of salami pizza. Soooo our night was fun but the best part was trying to get home.... we walked probably a good 2 miles and then accidentially walked up to St. Peters Basilica which is gorgeous at night! Eventually we found our way home and the detour was totally worth it.
Sunday I was on a mission to find Katarina and her apartment, so I did which is ridiculously close to me, the bus that runs by my school runs by her apartment! So we meet up and went to the Trastevere flee market which is massive!! I got a leather jacket and skirt for 3 euro! Then her and I had lunch and I had an amazing chicken paramagian. Later that night I went to the 9pm student mass which was soooo nice, great music and everyone is really nice and friendly. I always feel better when I have a church community.
Classes have been good this week, I got into a class Human Rights: A View from Rome which I am SOOO excited about! We are required to do community service so I am trying to work with the Vatican...hopefully that works out. Tuesday my morning class went on a field trip to a local market and I bought a bunch of cheese =) then went over to Katarina's and we had a lovely lunch with wine, cheese, bread, salami, olives, olive oil, haha the list goes on. It was freezing and raining that day so it was nice to me indoors.
I FINALLY got the internet working on my laptop so I can skype people now! add me lindseyxelle.