(on my walk to the bus stop)
This week for my art in Rome class we visited 3 chiese (churches) which were gorgeous, I thought St. Ignatius was ridiculous and it is but man... these churches are something else and they are soo old!
(Mass in a side chapel of S. Maria Maggiore)(Altar of S. Prassede)
This Wednesday with Edoardo was interesting. I picked him up from school and we did our usual thing and I let him play in the school yard with his friends for a few minutes but of course it had just rained and he fell in the BIGGEST puddle of mud! He was bawling actually he was wailing and I did know what to do so I just ran to him and held him and then I got all muddy but I just couldn't stand how sad he was. Anyway... the school is smart and makes the kids bring an extra pair of clothes so we changed, went home and it was all good from then on. But what an ordeal... all the moms and grandmas were watching me and probably judging me...Italians are good at that. Speaking of Italians Edoardo is definitely my favorite Itlalian haha but I will comment on Italian culture, lifestlye, and the country in general in a later (soon) entry.
snow! ryan! churches! miss you!!!