Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Ciao Budapest!

Where to begin on this one...well my travel buddy, Katarina and I left for Budapest last Thursday night to meet up with Casey McKinnon (who is studying abroad in Dublin) and we were all staying with Anabel Cassady who is studying abroad in Budapest. Anabel and Casey are my amazing friends whom I met at USF, this whole trip it felt so unreal to be there together and having Katarina there just made it even crazier! The public transit in Budapest is legit and the whole weekend we were able to go places with no problem, thanks to Anabel and her Hungarian roomie Linda. Katarina and I rolled up with no phone only Anabel's number and address so when we were on her street the first person we met spoke english and let us use his phone, incidents like these keep happening to me! It's like the least prepared you are the better luck you have, I am diggin it!

On Friday we went the Parliament building which is massive and so detailed and gorgeous! Then we walked across the chain bridge to something else really cool...haha I think it use to be the kings house or something. Anyway it sits on a hill on the Buda side and overlooks the beautiful city view. It was extremely foggy so we had to imagine the view a little, we went inside the beautiful building which has a fun art museum and there was a live opera singing as we walked around, so epic! Fun fact I did not know Buda and Pest are two different cities and they are separated by the Danube river, Anabel lives and her school is on the Pest side.
( Walking up to the Palace? with the Chain Bridge and St. Stephens in the back)

(St. Stephen's)
The same day we explored St. Stephen's Basilica which was just as epic as any Roma basilica and they have on display St. Stephen's right hand...kinda creepy kinda cool. We went to a Hungarian restaurant for a traditional meal thats was BOMB! Goulosh is their famous soup and we had breaded chicken with dumplings and a crepe-ish thing for good! We went back to Anabel's awaiting Casey's arrival and after she came we went to a cool ecclectic bar 'Simpla'. We were there when the clock struck midnight and it was Casey's twenty-first bday and with the group of people we had we were able to tell her happy birthday in 7 languages! I was the italian one of course!
( yummy in my tummy)

The next day we took the train to a cute little town, Szentendre, which is about 40 minutes from
Budapest. This town is adorable...kinda touristy but there were a ton of stores selling traditional Hungarian trinkets. The gang was having Italian food and Katarina and I passed haha duh....I can get the real stuff, so we went somewhere else for some more bomb goulosh soup. The purpose of our visit was to go wine tasting, for Casey's bday, and we got to try 5 different types of Hungairan wine and 2 times of Pulinka which is like lemonciello for Italians. All the wines were delish but the pulinka ...not so much I think it has atleast 85% proof of alcohol. We went back to Budapest and went to our bday dinner reservations at an Eastern Eurpoean restaurant and again we all had amazing meals!! I don't know if we just got lucky or if the Hungarians are just as good at cooking as the Italians. After dinner we went to and "international" club which was SO FUN! It had like 10 different dance floors and everyone there was from all over the place. My two favs were Paolo and Davide from Espana...rawr!
(Me and the Danube River is Szentendre)
(Me, Anabel, & Casey- holla for wine tasting)
Our last day we spent at the thermal prolly thinking wtf would you go to a pool in the winter in Hungary? The day we went it was beautiful, and going in and out of the pools was not an issue, it was so nice to not be wearing a million layers. Our lunch was again amazing I forgot what we had but it was bomb. Before we left we took another look at the parliament building since the weather was better, that building really doesn't get old. Then it was time say our sad but Anabel and Linda's hospitality was amazing and it was so fun to learn Hungarian words and travel this beautiful city with old friends ;)(The thermal baths)
(Katarina posing with the epic Parliament building!)

Monday, February 22, 2010

So che e stato un po'

I know it has been awhile....there is way to much too catch up on but I will highlight the main stuff. Last weekend, which feels like forever ago, I went on a school trip to Pompeii. It was a three hour bus ride from our school. The city and the history behind it is super cool. Basically it was completely covered and many of the towns people were killed by a Volcanic eruption a long long time ago like BC status and slowly the town has been excavated. The town is big. we were there for a good part of the day and still did not explore everthing. We were guided by my Art in Rome professor Nicholson who is a genius so I got to learn alot about the town and how they use to live back in the day. My favorite thing about Pompeii was all the dogs everywhere, apparently people adopt them but they live in Pompeii. One dog followed us, mostly me, for our entire tour, made me miss my baby Jewel. Regardless of the long day a few of us went out and met up with some John Cabot kids, another American school in Rome and we caught some Rome carnival activities.

(me and my furry friend exploring the ruins of Pompeii)

Last weekend I also made it to an italian mass in St. Peter's Basilica in the Vatican!!! There was a long line for security to get in but we made it on time and we got a great seat about 5 rows back from the altar. A bishop gave the mass, I tried my best to follow the readings and what not but my italian just isn't up to par yet. Half of the parishioners were nuns haha and when communion is served all politeness is out the door, people basically run to the front and I was definately pushed by a few nuns. It was just funny to me that in the "holiest" place for Catholics that happened haha whatevs I still got my Jesus bread. That same day I went to the flee market and loaded up on some warm gear for Budapest (my next trip) and some other essentials like a curling iron duh...
(Maia, me, and Louisa illegally posing with ruins)
I did not tutor Edoardo all week because he was sick, which made me sad but gave me some time to catch up on my classes and to chat with people at home. Last week was the first week of my CLC, Christian living community, and I think it went really well!! I tried to base it off the stuff I liked in my USF CLC and my group seemed to dig it so thats good. Tonight we have a pizza class night with my film (extremely good looking) italian teacher so I need to go bust out that curling iron, but later this week I will blog about Budapest which was LEGITTTT!!! so pumped to blog about it, for now CIAO!

(inside and outside the Vatican)

Friday, February 12, 2010


Allora..... so this morning I woke up and before I jumped in the shower I was like hmmm I should look outside and see if it is raining again today, and to my surprise it was SNOWING!! I literally froze in front of my window, it was so prettttttty! I believe I have only seen falling snow once before in DC on a family vacation when we wound up in a blizzard! I had to meet my friend Ryan about 20 minutes away so we could go to the refugee center and that was a mission! The bus drivers didn't know what to do so our bus just stopped and we had to walk another 20 minutes to the metro. We made it to the center but let me tell you that was dedication! Ryan is from Missouri and goes to school in Chicago so he wasn't phased at all but I was looking around taking pictures and just loving it.
(on my walk to the bus stop)

This week for my art in Rome class we visited 3 chiese (churches) which were gorgeous, I thought St. Ignatius was ridiculous and it is but man... these churches are something else and they are soo old!
(Mass in a side chapel of S. Maria Maggiore)
(Altar of S. Prassede)
This Wednesday with Edoardo was interesting. I picked him up from school and we did our usual thing and I let him play in the school yard with his friends for a few minutes but of course it had just rained and he fell in the BIGGEST puddle of mud! He was bawling actually he was wailing and I did know what to do so I just ran to him and held him and then I got all muddy but I just couldn't stand how sad he was. Anyway... the school is smart and makes the kids bring an extra pair of clothes so we changed, went home and it was all good from then on. But what an ordeal... all the moms and grandmas were watching me and probably judging me...Italians are good at that. Speaking of Italians Edoardo is definitely my favorite Itlalian haha but I will comment on Italian culture, lifestlye, and the country in general in a later (soon) entry.

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Venezia per Carnivale!

Ciao a tutti! Wow so I have finally recovered from a crazy beautiful weekend in Venice. All in all my first trip outside of Roma was extremely successful. We rolled out with about 10-15 students (sometimes we lost a few drunk members) we took a night train Friday night which took 7 hours and got us there at 6AM! Our hostel was only a 5 minute walk from the train station and we were able to check in right away and crash for a little nap. We got 2 rooms but only one was ready so we crammed in there to nap, me and 2 others shared a twin, good times! Regardless the hostel was nice, safe, and didnt care that we had more people than beds haha.

From the hostel it was about 20-30 minute bus ride to the main island of Venice. Once we got there everybody was buying masks, I had already bought this riduculous headdress because I didnt want to cover my face haha I mean what for?? Venice..... I don't even know where to begin, has to be one of the most beautiful places in the world. We walked around the little streets, over little bridges, and into little stores and restaurants. We finally made our way to St. Mark's square which was FILLED with people and a big stage for all the carnivale activities.

(me, in my head dress along the Rinalto bridge)
People dress in more than masks but like completely decked OUT in old school Renissance outfits, wigs, men in tights, the whole shabam! And then there were some people not dressed so much haha which was cool too. A few of us joined a parade with some brazilians which was wild and soo fun! We got lost alot, which is typical for us, but it really didnt matter because wherever you went lead you somewhere beautiful! For example, we got lost in a really dark plaza and found a pretty door so i tried to open it and it lead us right next to the Rinalto bridge!
(two couples decked out in Renassance gear)
At night there was a huge outdoor discoteca and dj but it didnt last as long as we wanted it too...which was probably a good thing since we were all exhausted. We made it back to the hostel then wokeup the next day and headed back to the main island. We had a more organized sightseeing day we went to the Jewish Ghetto, the beautiful Basillica, and covered all 4ish islands. BUT the BEST part was our gondola ride. Sunday was beautiful and sunny and our gondola went along the Rinalto bridge and around the Gran Canal... I had one of my sappy I love my life kinda moments, it was great!
(Louisa and I relaxing on the gondola)
The city is very small and do-able in 2 days so by the time we had to catch our other night train at 11:30pm we were ready to go. There was some drama on the train regarding out seats on the way there AND on the way back but I am not gonna waste time on that. We all made it back to Roma at 7am and I made it right on time to freshen up and start a full day of class and tutoring at 9:30am! haha. All in all a fabulous weekend and first (self-planned) trip outside of Roma.

Thursday, February 4, 2010

La mia vita quotidiana

So I feel like I have only been describing the extraordinary days here, but I do still live a fairly normal lifestyle I mean I am here for school right?

My school thankfully hooked me up with a job, tutoring kids in English for 10 euro an hour! I got a little boy named Edoardo. He is five years old, in preschool, and only knows numbers and colors in English. He is absolutely precious! I pick him up from school on Mondays and Wednesdays and we walk to his house together. First things first, we have a snack which he picks and then we play for two hours, it is a little bit more like babysitting because the last thing that kid wants to do is a lesson with me after he has been in school all day. His parents just asked that I only speak in English with him so he becomes familiar with words and the accent and what not. The first day I picked him up from school when he saw me he ran over to me so fast, his little face lights up my world. Honestly I think this situation is better me, for one I get paid, he has already taught me a lot of Italian, and I get to be a part of a real Italian lifestyle in his family’s house. (Where FYI I have my own bathroom and slippers) I will post a picture of him soon =)
This week I also started my service project which requires 24 hours of community service for my Human Rights class. I volunteer at the Joel Nafuma Refugee Center, it is only for males from Africa and Asia, and is sponsored by a church connected to the center. I was extremely intimidating walking into the center which is one large room and having 100+ males watching you walk all the way across the room. After a few minutes I got used over it and the guys got over me too haha but it is definitely a personal challenge for me. At the center I teach English, typing classes, hand out food, and just mingle when times are slow. The center only asked for female volunteer’s maybe to just expose these men to women since it is an all male facility. I am going back tomorrow with two of my guy friends who also need service hours so hopefully that will help me adjust a little better.
My last weekly project is a documentary I am working on for my film class. It is on Italian immigrants and the current Italian immigration policy. The logistics of the film are still being worked out but my group and I have been communicating with a Jesuit Refugee center to set up some interviews and I hope to interview a couple people at the center I volunteer with. This project as I have been warned by my professor is VERY ambitious but my group members Kelly and Ryan are just as motivated and interested in the project so I KNOW were gonna make it! (Me infront of the Pantheon for my Art in Rome class)
I thought being in Italy meant I would totally embrace the relaxed live style of an Italian but I have been busy every day since I have been here trying to balance my classes, tutoring, volunteering, site-seeing, trip-planning, and trying to keep up my relationships at home and here….its tiring. My body is suffering the most from this haha but regardless I enjoy being busy and I am getting a really great experience. I feel like when a lot of people study abroad they travel and drink the experience away, and though I am doing both haha I am also taking advantage of my location and situation. Well now I have to go rest up for my trip to Venice for Carnivale!

Monday, February 1, 2010

Questa settimana a Roma

So, alot has happened in the last week, so I will try and do a quick recap. This past Thursday for my Art in Rome class we went to the Roman Forum and the Colosseo. We anaylzed the structural design and the buildings materials of each building, but really it was one heck of a field trip! I am pretty much getting credit for site-seeing! Our class tickets are good for two days so the next day a bunch of us went back to the Colosseo to walk around more and then we also went to the Paletine, which is where the rulers of Rome used to have their lavish homes. It started raining (whats new...) and naturally I wasnt prepared so we had to call it a day. However...on the way home we found a sick costume shop and I bought my Carnavale outfit!!
(Katherine and I infront of the Colosseo)

Friday night Catherine and I meet up with Katarina, drank some vino and played cards then headed out to Campo di Fiore to meet up with her friends. Campo is a big piaza with a bunch of bars, where alot of americanos hang out. Naturally while out I got a piece of pizza.

Saturday I just hung out all day doing random chores and then meet up with Katarina again for Appertivo, which is Italia's version of happy hour. SOOO FUN! Basically all you have to do is buy one drink and then you get an unlimited buffet! The restaurant was Cafe Friends in Trastevere and we are going to try and hit up a new appertivo every week. Later that night we wanted to go to a Reggae festival but heard it was sketch so we ended up at a Regggaetone club instead haha. Than was sOOO much fun, a let a bit of my mexicana side shine through and everyone there spoke spanish so it was nice to finally confindetly communicate with people!
(the gang in from of the Arch of Constantine)
Both nights with Katarina, though amazing, I love that girl and can't imagine being here without her, we got lost coming home and we always seem to wind up in front of the Vatican. I always feel a little better once we find it cuz I know I am near Jesus and he is going to show us the way home, haha, and he always does.

Sunday I had to go on a field trip for my Italiano class in the boondocks of Roma, then I came back home did some homework, and went to the student mass. The student mass here reminds me alot of USF which makes me so so happy. There is a really small community and everyone is SO nice and friendly and then we have wine and cheese after....whats not geat about that!

A presto! Ciao!

(Me in the Colosseo)